Friday, August 5, 2011

The Friday Sex Blog [Love]

¡Hola! Everybody…
These are the dog days of summer, lover, and you’re recklessly embroiled in a summer fling, drinking of that siren’s song of forgetfulness and autumn, with its demands for change, such a long way off…

* * *

-=[ Love ]=-

Your sleep:/ I have watched you wake/ a spectacle,/ an immediate vision of honesty./ ... And you reach out for me/ silently, without a plan/ and it is enough.

This is a test of the Ame-Rican Blogging System (ABS). This is only a test...

Can you love through the ever increasing ups and downs, heavens and hells, of life?

Can you love in all directions, inwardly and outwardly?

Even during those all-too-frequent mood swings of disgust and pain and shame and negative thought constellations spiraling into that tight knot of loneliness and despairing torment, can you love?

If you find cannot love, nothing changes.

On the flip side, if you can love, nothing changes…

Except that you love.

Nothing and nobody will ever give you anything except an opportunistic risk to love…

Now, this very moment, in this very life.

This has been a test of the Ame-Rican Blogging System. If this had been an actual emergency, someone would’ve awakened you from your life-long slumber (or perhaps not).




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