Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sharia: The Dilemma of "The Wife Beating Protocol"

The Quran is the source of all personal status laws in Islamic countries. Therefore, the rules of religious jurisprudence concerning the position and treatment of women are also based on the Quran. In order to fully understand the position of women in Islam, one must first examine the Quranic rules concerning them. Our dilemma in today’s article has to do with the Quranic command for husbands to beat their wives. A. Man’s Supreme Authority: The Quran gives a man complete authority in marriage: “Men stand superior to women...” (Q 4.34). The Quran justifies giving this authority to the man for the following reasons: First, preference is given to him by the nature of his physical ability: “God hath preferred some of them over others...” (Q 4.34). Second, preference is given to him by reason of his financial ability: “and in that they expend of their wealth...” (Q 4.34). Full Story>>

Sharia: The Dilemma of "The Wife Beating Protocol"


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