Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Arab Spring News: ‘Rebels’ Committing Human Rights Violations in Libya

Libya - It’s Arab Spring time in Libya – homes burnt to the ground, beatings, looting – and all under the cover of the Western military intervention and massive bankrolling that you didn’t ask for: Libyan rebel forces have been responsible for looting, arson and the abuse of civilians in their push toward Tripoli, Human Rights Watch alleged on Wednesday. The group said it “witnessed some of these acts, interviewed witnesses to others, and spoke with a rebel commander about the abuses.” The abuses were said to have taken place in June and July — as recently as last week — as rebel forces pushed through the Nafusa Mountains to the south of Tripoli. “In four towns captured by rebels in the Nafusa Mountains over the past month, rebel fighters and supporters have damaged property, burned some homes, looted from hospitals, homes, and shops, and beaten some individuals alleged to have supported government forces,” said HRW. The allegations threaten to undermine the rebels’ carefully guarded image as the ‘Arab Spring’ champions of human rights in a country that has been run by Moamer Kadhafi with an iron fist for nearly 42 years. The revelations could also raise difficult questions for NATO countries, who have provided military support to the rebels as part of a UN-mandated mission to protect Libyan civilians. France earlier this month admitted air dropping weapons to rebels in the Nafusa Mountains, raising the hackles of Russia and others critical of NATO’s operations. “The rebel authorities have a duty to protect civilians and their property, especially hospitals, and discipline anyone responsible for looting or other abuse,” said the organisation’s Joe Stork. Full Story>>

Arab Spring News: ‘Rebels’ Committing Human Rights Violations in Libya


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